We offer a full range of services, from simple “in-the-box” to highly customized and complex options, all organized around your specific needs and goals.
Market-leading support and online tools satisfy your employees’ needs and help them build wealth. We provide, at a reasonable cost, the same custom benefits solutions and high-level expertise to mid-sized companies that large companies have been enjoying at a high cost for many years. We believe that good recordkeeping and administration should go almost unnoticed.
Our commitment is to get it right the first time, on time. We have a 50-year track record of protecting and preserving plans’ qualified status. Our sophisticated systems easily handle daily pricing and transfers, eligibility determination and vesting calculations. We combine fund accounting and valuation with participant recordkeeping in one convenient step. This saves you time and money.

Dedicated Client Service Manager
Your single point of contact operates with a consultative, partnership mindset

BenefitSpot™ Account Aggregation
Our portal aggregates your employees’ accounts in one place, making it fast and easy for them to manage their multiple accounts – it even includes their HSA, FSAs, HRAs and other reimbursement accounts. This holistic experience blends health and wealth like no other provider

We know what to communicate, when and how! We have won multiple “Eddy” Awards from Pensions and Investments Magazine for our communications.

Market-leading participant access
Online enrollment, online investment advice, toll-free phone number and email support

Compliance Experts
We analyze and audit your census data for accuracy, run compliance tests properly based on that data, and proactively help you solve any testing challenges. We keep your plan document updated for legislative changes.

Extreme flexibility
“Set and forget” models, custom portfolios, and individually directed accounts

Unbiased access to investments
Open architecture for flexibility, no “extra” charges, and over 13,000 mutual fund choices

FREE Online Investment Advice
Available to plan sponsor and participants with iJoin

Participant Management
We work directly with your participants to approve distributions, loans, QDROs and hardship withdrawals. Our annual notice fulfillment process ensures that you meet your 3(16) fiduciary requirements. We’ll even mail your notices and sign the 5500.

Lessen Your Fiduciary Burden
We proactively benchmark our fees and services, utilizing a third-party vendor, so you don’t have to.

Analytics Help Drive Decisions
Our Plan Sponsor Intelligence report allows you and your Client Service Manager to drill down and solve common plan problems, target communication campaigns, manage employer plan budgets and more.

Wealth Solutions
If you are a participant who needs help with YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN, please visit our Contact Us page.